Search results for ' Buffalo Bills'

US firms fight Obama's anti-Bangalore stance

US firms fight Obama's anti-Bangalore stance

Rediff.com10 Jun 2009

A month after American President Barack Obama came out with 'Say no to Bangalore, yes to Buffalo' rhetoric, which now echoes in the corridors of Capitol Hill, American companies have launched a campaign against the new law that ends tax incentives to those firms which create jobs overseas.

Budget 2018: An Exercise in Mindlessness

Budget 2018: An Exercise in Mindlessness

Rediff.com4 Feb 2018

'In the final analysis, all Budgets everywhere are like the schemes hatched by A A Milne's lovable Winnie-the-Pooh.' 'They may be well-intended, but often go awry.' 'Although Pooh and his friends agree that he 'has very little brain', he is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense.' 'This Budget at a first glance does not appear to belong to that latter category,' says economist Shreekant Sambrani.

This BJP MLA believes the beef ban must go

This BJP MLA believes the beef ban must go

Rediff.com11 Mar 2016

'Muslims eat beef, some Hindus and poor people also eat, so why should we stop them from eating?'

Obama visit: Why it has been good for India

Obama visit: Why it has been good for India

Rediff.com18 Nov 2010

It is not unknown for politicians to enter office with one set of assumptions, or worldview, and adopt an altogether different one shortly after assuming office.

Beef ban and the death of protest

Beef ban and the death of protest

Rediff.com25 Mar 2015

Maharashtra's beef ban has led to heated arguments on social media, but when a protest against the ban was held in Mumbai, only a few thousands turned up. Perhaps it is easier to outrage online than join an actual protest, says Syed Firdaus Ashraf.

'We are only saying don't eat what we consider sacred'

'We are only saying don't eat what we consider sacred'

Rediff.com23 Mar 2015

'Muslims and Christians should understand that the cow is sacred to us. It is not good for health. They should eat something else.'

Infosys in eye of H1-B visa storm

Infosys in eye of H1-B visa storm

Rediff.com9 Aug 2010

The Indian IT industry has consistently protested the anti-outsourcing rhetoric of American politicians.

US immigration to become tougher: Gates

US immigration to become tougher: Gates

Rediff.com24 Jul 2009

The Indian software industry, which has a big exposure to the US market, has expressed its concerns over the comments by the US President. Some US companies, which outsource a number of their IT jobs to Indian companies, have launched a campaign against the new law that ends tax incentives to those firms which create jobs overseas.

Obama's remark nothing to do with India: Nasscom

Obama's remark nothing to do with India: Nasscom

Rediff.com6 May 2009

Undaunted by US President Barack Obama's Bangalore-Buffalo remark, the domestic IT industry said the comments had nothing to do with outsourcing or with India.

The caged lions of Gir

The caged lions of Gir

Rediff.com5 Jul 2016

Are the lions tourists see in Gir forest really wild and free? Prasanna D Zore doesn't feel so.

Do Muslims have a future under a BJP government?

Do Muslims have a future under a BJP government?

Rediff.com5 Mar 2015

Banning beef (and not cow) slaughter, not renewing education quota for Muslims. What next from the Devendra Fadnavis government in Maharashtra, a ban on azaan, asks Syed Firdaus Ashraf.

The plight of farmers in drought-affected Beed

The plight of farmers in drought-affected Beed

Rediff.com18 May 2016

Peasants from Maharashtra's drought-affected Beed district feel the government machinery and politicians are indifferent to their plight.

Obama spooked by India's economic growth?

Obama spooked by India's economic growth?

Rediff.com14 May 2010

Arguing in favour of public transportation system instead of depending on cars for commutation, Obama at a rally in Buffalo said mass transit system would be good for the environment.

Delhiites may have to pay tax for keeping pets

Delhiites may have to pay tax for keeping pets

Rediff.com24 Jan 2008

The amendments, which were cleared by Delhi cabinet recently, will be taken up for passage in the upcoming budget session of the state assembly.

Pay tax for keeping pets in Delhi!

Pay tax for keeping pets in Delhi!

Rediff.com24 Jan 2008

The Delhi government has finalised amendments to two municipal acts, which would enable the authorities to levy a tax of Rs 500 a year on dog and cat owners, a senior official said. The Amendment Bill also plans to tax people for keeping buffaloes and cows for milking. While Rs 2,500 tax would have to be paid for a buffalo, a tax to the tune of Rs 2,000 would be levied for a cow.

NRI doc donates $20 mn to Kerala village

NRI doc donates $20 mn to Kerala village

Rediff.com1 Aug 2007

Life for him has come full circle, the paper said - from dire poverty in India to the life style of rich in America and back to his native village where he has traded his Mercedes for a bicycle.

10 secret experiences about Goa no one will tell you

10 secret experiences about Goa no one will tell you

Rediff.com6 Jun 2016

You won't regret including this list in your itinerary.

What it is like working with Bill Gates

What it is like working with Bill Gates

Rediff.com9 Nov 2006

Microsoft boss Bill Gates has a rare gift: he is super smart from, both, the technology and the business perspectives, says S Somasager, corporate VP, Microsoft Corp.

Indian American quits Bush administration

Indian American quits Bush administration

Rediff.com21 Feb 2008

Venkayya, who announced that he will join the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, becomes the second Indian American to walk away, following close on the heels of Karan Bhatia, who resigned as deputy United States trade representative in October.

I-OneSource buys out US company

I-OneSource buys out US company

Rediff.com8 Oct 2004

Excellent biryani at the Rain Forest

Excellent biryani at the Rain Forest

Rediff.com20 Feb 2007

We continue our reader-driven series on great restaurants and eating places across the country--this time around in Chennai

Obama's chance to cement ties with India

Obama's chance to cement ties with India

Rediff.com29 May 2009

With the biggest mandate for any Indian government in nearly two decades, Mr Singh can now enact bold legislation - including financial, labour and land reforms.

Great food, ambience in west Delhi

Great food, ambience in west Delhi

Rediff.com26 Jul 2006

Love food 'n' cricket? Head here

Love food 'n' cricket? Head here

Rediff.com27 Jun 2006

Prostrate before the Arnab experience

Prostrate before the Arnab experience

Rediff.com31 Aug 2015

'While Television generally tends to Clarity,' says Sreehari Nair, 'Arnab Goswami's The Newshour Debate portrays our confusions. Each episode offers both the potency of an intensely-fought boxing match and the giddy pleasures of an orgy.'

Budget 2015: What India Inc expects from Jaitley

Budget 2015: What India Inc expects from Jaitley

Rediff.com24 Feb 2015

Boost to dairy sector will generate jobs

How the market tells you when to stop

How the market tells you when to stop

Rediff.com14 Sep 2009

If you are having a string of winners, don't stop trading arbitrarily.

'It is the end of the road for the Indian tiger'

'It is the end of the road for the Indian tiger'

Rediff.com25 Apr 2007

'The tiger may survive in 10 national parks in the future. But that is down from 120 protected areas. It cannot be a worse scenario,' says outspoken tiger expert Valmik Thapar.

Global winners, Indian losers

Global winners, Indian losers

Rediff.com9 Nov 2004

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